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                                     PARSHAT VAYERA

Last week we learned that Hashem tested Avraham by commanding him to leave home and journey to an unspecified land. In return, Avraham is promised that he will become a great nation, gain fame, fortune and more. You call that a test? Who would turn down an offer like that, especially when Hashem is the guarantor!

Indeed, Hashem commanded Avraham to leave his world behind, and with the promise of great blessings and benefits it's no surprise that Avraham complied. So what was the test?

It's the kind of test that we often encounter in our daily lives. It goes to motivation and intent.

Would Avraham obey Hashem's command just to get rewarded OR would he act purely out of faith, love and the desire to do His will? All Avraham ever wanted was to serve Hashem.

The more he learned about Hashem, the more Avraham understood his unique role in the divine plan. So Avraham went forth and taught the world about Monotheism and the belief in the sanctity of human life created in the image of Hashem. Then Hashem ordered Avraham to kill his son, Isaac.

"Vayehe Achar Hadevarim Haeleh V'haelokim Nisa Es Avraham… "(Bereshit 22:1) "And it happened after these things that Hashem tested Avraham." This was not his first test, in fact, according to our sages - it was the tenth! 

Most recently, he was commanded to send away Hagar along with his other son, Ishmael. Imagine, Avraham the servant of Hashem, the advocate of sinners had to face the world who would now judge him a fool and a hypocrite.Yitzchak the perfect child, was totally blameless and certainly did not deserve to die. How could Avraham justify behavior that went against everything he believed about Hashem?

At the last moment Hashem spared Yitzchak ending Avraham's tenth and most difficult test; we gain a powerful insight into Hashem's ways.

First, we learn that Hashem tests people. Fortunately, he also provides us with the shoulders to carry the burdens. Indeed, through each trial we refine our character.

Secondly, although it may seem that we are challenged by more than we can handle, Hashem tests an Avraham at his level and you and me at ours.

Finally, obeying Hashem and following his commandments is easy when we agree with them. After all, they provide a meaningful life and a wonderful lifestyle. However, the essence of a Jew's relationship with Hashem is captured in verse 22:3. This Pasuk describes Avraham's reaction to the terrible news that Hashem wants him to bind Yitzchak to the altar as a sacrifice.

Avraham could have asked for time. He could have taken a week or two to think it over. He could have rationalized that he needed to get his family accustomed to the idea gradually. It would have been understandable and forgivable if Avraham would have slept a little later that morning. How did that first Jew respond to the ultimate challenge? "Vayashkem Avraham Baboker..." "Avraham rose early that morning..." to carry out Hashem's will.

Kol Tov!  Our best to's all good.  Shabbat

Shalom, CM



This week's Parshah begins with Hashem visiting Avraham and three strangers appear. Avraham interrupts his dialogue with Hashem to tend to the strangers' needs! What do we learn from this odd behavior?


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