Lead the Services - Nusach

How to Lead the Synagogue Services-Nusach

Already know how to daven? Now YOU can lead the services on weekdays, Shabbat and Holidays with such confidence and style that you will be amazed how your natural talent comes through!


Each easy-to-follow Audio contains just the parts that the leader says aloud, and the accompanying book makes learning fast and effective. Order the book and add the Cassettes,CD's or Mp3's for the prayers you want to learn.

Each Audio title is just $18.00

104. How to Lead the Services Book

105. Weekday Shacharit

106. Weekday Minchah-Maariv

107. Kabbalat Shabbat

108. Pesukei D'Zimrah Shabbat

109. Shacharit-Musaf Shabbat

110. Shabbat Minchah

Special: All seven ($126.00Value)..........only $90.00

Also Available Audios at $18.00 ea.

129B. Rosh Chodesh Services/Torah Readings

110B. Maariv/Minchah for Shalosh Regalim

110C. Shacharit Musaf for Shalosh Regalim

110D. Maariv/Pesukei D'zimrah for Rosh Hashanah

110E. Minchah for Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur

110GA. Shacharit  for Rosh Hashanah

143. How to Blow Shofar / Kohain Service

110T. Complete Tashlich

110GB. Shacharit  for Yom Kippur  

110GC. Kol Nidre Maariv Yom Kippur

110GE. Neilah for Yom Kippur

110H. Musaf Rosh Hashanah/Kol Nidre Musaf Yom Kippur (3) $54.00

110K. Complete Slichot for entire year

139. The Kinot for Tishah B'Av

144. Complete Akdamut/Slichot Sampling

145A. Nusach Geshem / Taal

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