ON SALE NOW ...   

                           TRULY ENJOY SHABBAT AT HOME!

 Experiencing Shabbat in all its glory, brings a taste of Heaven into our lives every week.

 Our audio "How to Conduct Shabbat in the Home" will help you enjoy:                        

                                 lighting the candles,

 blessing the children, 

reciting Kiddush, 

singing the tribute to the Jewish wife and mother - Ayshet Chayil along with Zemirot melodies, 

Birkat Hamazon and Havdallah. 

It's the perfect introduction, and seasoned veterans will find it makes their Shabbat even more joyful!


Order this great  MP3 download  today - regularly $18 now just $9.99!  

Order today for yourself, a friend, or the Shul / School Library. Mention Code #8075784 to take advantage of this special offer.

  To order the above items call 917-747-1110                or email to  chadishmd@aol.com

  Please include your name, address, telephone number, charging information and the items that you wish to order.
