ON SALE NOW ...   



                             Listen, learn and enjoy!


Here's a wonderful set of 4 Audio Tapes, CDs or MP3 Downloads

of the beautiful High Holiday Services for your listening pleasure.


                               Included for you are:


1-The Torah Readings for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

2-How to Blow the Shofar 

3-The Complete Tashlich and

4 -The Kol Nidre and Maariv for Yom Kippur.


This week get this great set of 4 for your instruction, inspiration

and enjoyment on special this week! 


      Be sure to specify your choice of Tapes, CD's or MP3's same day Download to your computer. 

      Order today for yourself, a friend, or the Shul / School Library. Mention Code #9265784 to take advantage of this special offer.

  To order the above items call 917-747-1110                or email to  chadishmd@aol.com

  Please include your name, address, telephone number, charging information and the items that you wish to order.
