About Chadish

   From my earliest childhood, I was always fascinated by the magical powers of the tape recorder. Imagine having the ability to capture fleeting sounds, wonderful music and words that are spoken but once, and hear them again and again at my command!

   As a young teacher, I soon realized the potential of the cassette tape to help students practice their homework lessons. Now my voice could be in many places at the same time! Bar Mitzvah students found this method of particular benefit because they could review lessons at their convenience even when a teacher was not available. Not only was the cassette tape an effective learning tool, it was fun too!

   In 1976 my father, of blessed memory, produced a cassette tape of his incomparable rendition of the Megillah. He had taught generations of students the fine art of Torah Reading and Leading the Synagogue Services with his unique sensitivity,Nusach and style. In fact, many years later, that recording would be shared by Jewish American soldiers in the Middle East when the Gulf War ended on Purim day. My father shared his tape with the congregation. My wife and I decided to share it with the world.

    We began by telling people about those wonderful Megillah tapes and how they provide knowledge, skills and joy to listeners of all ages. Soon, all the tapes were gone but requests from people wanting to learn all sorts of Jewish skills in this novel and enjoyable way just kept on coming. Could we design a tape that would teach the proper way to conduct a Seder? How about one on how to chant the Haftarah? Or one that teaches how to read Hebrew? Every order was filled and CHADISH MEDIA, a school without walls was born.

   I recall being surprised,at first, by some of the requests.I had grown up assuming that every Jew surely knows the basics of Judaism and how to perform Jewish rituals. But there was obviously a void out there that needed filling. I’m not just talking about the needs of newcomers to Judaism for whom we were soon producing tapes like "How to Put on Tefillin." We also heard from Jews who had always been observant, but somehow never learned important skills such as the proper Nusach for Davening or Laining. There are many professionals, for example, who may command the greatest respect in their chosen fields but, because they never had time to learn to do it properly, suffer great embarrassment when they’re offered an honor at the synagogue.

   It is precisely for people like you that CHADISH MEDIA offered cassettes and now CD's and even emailed Mp3's that impart essential Jewish skills for you to hear and enjoy.

   Now you can easily learn how to conduct the Weekday, Shabbat and Yom Tov Prayers, or learn the proper way to chant the Torah, and Megillah Readings.Our great selection of Audios and Books will teach you the basics of Judaism, give you a full selection of discourses on Torah, Jewish Holidays and stories right down to Bar Mitzvah lessons.

  There’s an Audio out there for everyone regardless of their level of observance or religious background. And we customize our Audios to your needs.

   Our "customized" approach to Audio production that characterized the creation of CHADISH MEDIA remains to this day its modus operandi. Indeed, the company will often comply with a single request for an Audio, regardless of its ultimate "marketability". Hence, CHADISH MEDIA did not hesitate to record a reading of Tehillim, the Psalms, for a blind hospital patient. And it was with a sense of great satisfaction that we taped the "sound track" of a minyan at prayer for an elderly rabbi too frail to leave his house, but homesick for the "music" of Shul. While there is obviously little profit in consistently filling orders of this sort, CHADISH shares the conviction that there are some things on which it is impossible to put a price tag. Our listeners agree that in many ways Audios are more effective teaching tools than books. When something is heard, it often has more of an impact, since the listener can hear inferences and emphasis in the voice of the speaker. It’s a lot more personal and our friends keep asking for more and they tell their friends about us as well.

   We're always so pleased to hear from people who have had success using our materials, and there’s no telling from how far away these gratifying reviews will come. CHADISH MEDIA tapes have found their way to locations like Moose Jaw,Saskatchewan, and Yellowstone Park, where a particular forest ranger makes his rounds to the accompaniment of the inspirational sounds of CHADISH.

   Indeed, many Jewish organizations such as Jewish Outreach and Chabad use CHADISH MEDIA as a resource for their people. It’s so nice to know that our family is growing!

   Clearly, there is no characterizing the "typical" CHADISH listener. CHADISH Audios have found their way into prison cells and infant nurseries. You’d be surprised how many parents opt to lull their babies to sleep with Trop Melody (the correct ‘tune’ for chanting the Haftarah Reading) rather than Rock-A-Bye-Baby!

   With all our exciting Audio titles now available to you as email attachments from CHADISH directly to your computer or headset, it's never been easier to get started. And your child’s Jewish education can actually begin early on when learning is truly optimal.

   For CHADISH MEDIA, the opportunities presented by reaching out to people from so many walks of Jewish life is a constant source of satisfaction. Everyone is created to do something special, everyone has a special ability. To be able to utilize that ability in divine service is truly the ultimate accomplishment and joy.

   Consider this your personal invitation to discover the joys of Jewish knowledge. You’ll be learning through our Audio Recordings from the kind of gifted and caring teachers you always wished you had, at your own pace and convenience, and you’ll enjoy every minute of it!








Email  chadishmd@aol.com with questions or comments

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