ON SALE NOW ...   

 #134-The Complete Megillat Shir Hashirim with Cantillation                Trop in time for Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach

                            LEAD THE YOM TOV DAVENINGS!


Here's a wonderful gift of 3 Audios Mp3 Downloads of the beautiful YOM TOV Services all featuring the incomparable voice of Rabbi Israel D.Rosenberg,o'bm.

Here's what we've include for you in this special package:

1-The Shacharit and Musaf

2-The Mincha and Maariv and

3-The Nusach for Geshem and Taal

You may order this special set of 3 for your instruction, inspiration and enjoyment!

    Order today for a Yom Tov to remember. 

Featured Mp3 Audios from Chadish


This week CHADISH MEDIA invites you to enjoy our popular

AUDIO DOWNLOADS for your computer, phone or MP3 player.

They're just perfect for learning, teaching and gift giving!

You may choose...

#127S-The Complete Passover Seder (word-for-word) with

           melodies instruction and beautiful commentary

#134-The Complete Megillat Shir Hashirim with Cantillation Trop in time for Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach


Order today for yourself, a friend, or the Shul / School Library. Mention Code #5145784 to take advantage of this special offer.

  To order the above items call 917-747-1110                or email to  chadishmd@aol.com

  Please include your name, address, telephone number, charging information and the items that you wish to order.
